Wednesday, August 29, 2012


  I EMPTY MYSELF                            

I am filled with an undying Love for Life
Cells, molecules, expressions, eyeballs
Dancing in windy tears of Joy

Curls crafted in silk
Undying, unfolding, evolving
Lips and roses here and there
Changing sea breezes in mist

Shadows streaming on blueberries
Sights from bicycles silver
Smooth amber on dripping branches of bursting olives
In golden dust of fat worms crawling

Wondrous colour upon colour
Petals dangling crimson upon buttercup daisies
Golden gleaming wheels of human doves
Airplanes, black limousines
Taxi’s picking up lemon wrinkled
Men buying brandy

Wide-hipped housewives smiling
Waddling bums shopping in the mall
Bags bursting with subsidized loaves of
Hot buns screaming notes of noise

Ardent bellies filled and starving
Verses, emotions, instructions, directions
Burning streaks up in flames
God watches as tears unfold upon ashes
While green grass grows in thunder

Another year of singing, crying, making
Plans of hope and flimsy ambitions fly
Learning, thanksgiving, sighs of despair

I watch in wonder as Death and Life
Appear in purple on cherries in the valley
Evolving forever to disappear once more
magical orange upon golden white
Ever-resting, ever-moving
I empty myself
To start again.      Copywrite : GhairoDaniels

FOLLOW ME NOT : one of my divinity poems

Follow me not
My destination is the unknown beyond
The cloud of unknowingness
Beyond the mists of time

Cling not to me
I scorch to sparkling cinders
Or freeze cells to lift them
Throwing them to heavens pink

Look not at my screen
I would have disappeared into
Olive groves which furl and unfurl
At the touch of sound

Come not to my gate
No-one is there

Entice me not
With tickets to a show or
Gifts of rosy chocolates
Meals in front of the fire warm
Sweet almond nougat in pretty boxes
Orchards of ripe berries, yellow butterflies
Dark rooms filled with secrets
And silky amber scarves

Make no promises of what I desire
Is what will appear
Embroil me not in beautiful passions
And soft golden hair
Where ruby notes of divine music
Warms my marrow

Take my gifts of tears
And be gone into rows of grapevines
Herbs and butternut

Where I am free I do not exist
There dwells what you seek
And what you seek is an
Illusion of light which dies and lives
In one moment of ecstatic rainbows

To touch it is to know it
In a second
When whiffs pass you by
In a flutter of dragonfly wings
The search is done
The face of God seen
A message clear
Journey dissolved.


Saturday, August 15, 2009


In love we serve, In God we trust 

The serpent is one of the most important archetypes of the Human Soul.

Contact Ghairo Daniels : Master Healer/Healing Consultant

[BA : HDLIS, Management : UWC, UCT, University College of Wales,Wits, UNISA, Stellenbosch]
Tailored Healing Programmes for Individuals & Organizations
Tera-mai Seichem & Reiki Healings & Initiations
Cellular Memory Deletions, Spiritual Readings
Accredited Conscious Mental Rest Facilitator
Planetary Frequency Holder
Reiki Masters Association Reg. No. DAN-001 

Phone : 082 700 1949
Postnet suite #123
Private bag x31 

2013 Vision Statement : To penetrate the mystery of the individual as a hologram of the Universe and to bring the hologram into a state of balance and peace

I am often asked why "Plumed Serpent"?

" Plumed Serpent was the name given by the sages of Ancient Wisdom to those initiated into mysteries to help others evolve to a fuller consciousness. A Plumed Serpent is a fully evolved being, an "illumined one", son/daughter of God who has established son/daughtership by long ardous labor. She is one in whom spiritual creative power has risen from the roots of the Tree of Life, the generative organs, and ascended the Spinal Column to the Crown of the Head, where it flowers. It is a woman/man in whom creative power, transmuting animal instincts has reached a high stage of consciousness, illumination and become the Word itself.

Those whose inner eye is open can see the light in her radiating like an aura, a head-dress of soft, white plumes."Look for those who are to come, who will be known as Plumed Serpents."" - Where does this quote come from ? Anybody knows?

During a kundalini experience while practising kundalini yoga I asked a question " What should I name my healing practice?" While feeling  intense white light like a plume radiating from my crown, the kundalini rising rapidly, shooting upwards, an answer came loud and clear : "Plumed Serpent !" It was a shout.
So here I am, still doing what I am called upon to do. Heal and thou shall be healed.
The question still arises 'Why Plumed Serpent' ?

The Plumed Serpent is first of all the rain cloud and on a special night, the high-terraced, silver-shining night of midsummer, when she is also called the ‘White God” from whose black belly falls the reek of rain ….In New Mexico she is represented as a serpent’s body whose burden is the cumulus cloud and whose tongue is the jagged Levin. (From : Dictionary of Symbols)

African savages worship the serpent because it’s body touches the ground and it must therefore know all the earth’s secrets. It knows them with its belly, with its tail, with its head. It is always in contact or mingled with the Mother.  (From : Zorba, the Greek)


 Since each healing and individual is unique, costs depend on intensity and length of healing as well as how much self-healing a client has embarked on.  The depth of consciousness the healer has to work with is considered in allocation of fee.

  1. CONSULTATIONS : ( A set of consultations are usually required : aspects offered include :  Processing Acceptance of Death, Divorce, Rites of Passage, Marriage, Birthings, Auric Field and Chakra Repair, Alignment with Inner Divine, Post Natal Depression, Past Life Regression, etc. ) :  40 to 50 mins each.

  3.   DISTANCE HEALINGS : 50mins.

      4.   READINGS :  50Mins.

      5.  REPORT WITH RECOMMENDATIONS : Recommended when distance healings are requested )

      6. REIKI/SEICHEM ATTUNEMENTS AND TEACHINGS : Cost dependent on whether one on one attunements are completed or whether attunements are completed in a group.


      1. Meditation Teachings and Exercises : These include a variety of techniques. It is suitable          for beginner meditators which will assist individuals decide what meditation technique is best suited to them.

2. “ Know Thyself” Workshop (I am who I am) : This workshop focuses on understanding the self and Higher Self better. It also contains various exercises to increase creativity.

3. Healing the Memory : This is an intensive workshop designed for the rapid release of past trauma.  It deals with memory in the mind as well as memory located in cells of body. This workshop is completed in small groups of like-minded persons and is highly personalized and releasing. It is best done after a Reiki and/or Seichem attunement.

4. Sacred Space : This workshop is for organizations willing to move closer to a more compassionate way of operating. It is an experiential workshop which examines what is Sacred Space, What brings us into Sacred Space, Speaking the Truth organizationally, Becoming one Mind, Clarification of Organization Imperatives, Becoming Organizational Soul.  The workshop is adapted to organizational need.

 5. Chakra Development and Colour Healing : Workshop deals with understanding where chakras are located, how they work, with what they are related. It includes healing chakra issues at beginner level. This workshop is best done together with a Reiki 1 and 2 attunement or a Seichem 1 attunement.
