Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ASK GHAIRO : Spiritual Questions Answered :




Ghairo’s Answer

Let go quietly, inauspiciously and peacefully. No need for discussion, no need for formal resignations, unless this is required, just plain simple letting go without any judgement of anybody or of yourself. If you feel angry or pained about this, release these emotions to God. Surrender. Detach.

Sometimes there are issues in organizations that need to play itself out in the normal course of events naturally, on its own. Your concern for an organization or its people is, in reality, a concern for yourself. This is where healing and evolution needs to start. Unnecessary involvement in organization is holding onto something which no longer benefits your personal growth or contribution to society or community. There is nothing to fear.


Ghairo’s answer

To build confidence and self-esteem in starting something new, my view is that one needs to start with small steps, like a baby crawling. One cannot walk until one crawls and one cannot run and jog until one can walk. When you have mastered one skill in a new undertaking, take another small step. Make the steps you take, concrete and practical. Set goals, knowing you can change these at any time along the way. 

Set your intention in regard to what you want to achieve and by when. Let Spirit guide you. The right way always opens up and things and people appear that will aid your projects or processes. In the Spirit realm, intention is the key. The Universal Organizing Force then organizes energy to make things happen – if the intention is of the highest order, things can happen fast.

FOCUS and make yourself available to be used as a tool for God’s purpose, so you do your work to give pleasure to God and in this way, you give pleasure to yourself and others.

Be PURPOSEFUL when starting something new and see it through to the end. This will give you confidence to start the next steps on any given task or on your own evolutionary path. BECOME THE SOURCE, as you work. Make your inner self the point of contact. Sometimes we think a single specific person has a resource we need, or has the answer to questions. But this is just a perception. The more open we are, the more persons or situations we can access.  

Everything you need is always inside of you. You mirror what you need outwards and then attract towards you the specific part to the jigsaw puzzle. The Reiki healing mantra, “ Just for today, do not worry.” is useful when starting something new that you are uncertain of. Say it while working or when the mind takes over and worries or uncertainties creep in. And be fearless.
The Nike slogan is a nice one “Just do it.” There is nothing to fear.  


Ghairo’s answer

Spiritual symbols are like keys to open doors. They work in a similar way to prayers. The more you work with them, the greater the impact, as they create a vibratory frequency in the quantum field around you. Different symbols have different frequencies just like different prayers have different purposes. Some symbols, when used often enough, and if  your intention is pure, open up the way to other symbols which expand and deepen your field of operation for God.

Spirit may reveal to you a symbol in a dream or when meditating. Most times, though, symbols are revealed to you through a teacher who is walking on a path before you or has been through the particular forest you are walking. If enough people work with a particular symbol at any time it becomes very powerful. Symbols can play itself out and become obsolete as new symbols are designed by Spirit or if Spirit wants to reveal something different that one needs to focus on.

Sets of spiritual symbols can also move to different parts of the Planet as they are needed.  Symbols which are used universally can stay with us for eons, they rest in space, then re-emerge when necessary. They do change too. Some enjoy changing, some stay the same. The spiral, for example, is universal. I perceive it will always be with us. But for example, the spiral used in Reiki in the Power symbol, has a modification which means different things to different people.

The Double Helix symbol has been resting and is now re-emerging. It is a spiral in essence, with a much higher frequency indicating an upward and downward movement as well as an inner and outer movement. There is more action in the Double Helix as it is a twosome. This symbol is prevalent now because of our need to focus on the DNA as a locus of transmutation into Pure Light.     

There are many modifications to the Cross symbol in a wide variety of cultures and religions. Its basis is always, dissecting Man to get to God.

It is best to work with symbols during or after a purification process. For example, working  with symbols while fasting is VERY powerful. Or when working in a group who sets as an intention the send healing energies to a particular war zone, for instance. Such a practice can create powerful transmutations or openings. Symbols assist us to work through our fears just as prayers do. There is really nothing to fear.  


Ghairo’s answer

Making full use of one’s physical senses is one of the easiest ways to access the Spiritual Realm. Fully utilizing the five senses also allows one to work with the sixth sense, the level of intuition. Intuition leads to Knowingness, when knowledge can be accessed instantaneously, without information. Appreciating what one sees, hears, feels, smells and tastes always allows the Universe to open ever wider versions of what is available for us to use and enjoy. Without our wonderful five physical senses, we cannot be fully in material form and evolve, increase and deepen our Light.

One of the best ways to sharpen senses is to be in nature regularly: At least for one half hour every day to appreciate the sounds, smells and colours in Nature. Commune with birdsong, examine intently the veins of a leaf, gaze vacantly at the ripples on a sea-bed. Really look. Really listen. Listen and look with the Heart. Focus on the heartbeat while doing this.  Breathe in deeply the smell of a particular herb until the brain is dizzy with the smell. If one sits in nature in meditation with sufficient focus and depth or sufficient vacancy and expansiveness or open-ness, Spirit will come along and intoxicate. Messages from God, or other unseen forces can visit easily and you will get to know the purposes of the Divine for the day, month or for your life, in the moment or in the year.

Another useful way to sharpen senses, I have experienced, is to interchange them. For example, you may see a lovely rosebud. Listen to the sound vibrations the rosebud is releasing, with your eyes. So your eyes become your ears. When you hear an ambulance in the distance, taste the sound with your ears. This will sharpen your ears and the sense of what is happening. You might taste the blood of an accident in the distance and send healing there instantaneously. In this way, you assist the Godforce do the work that needs to be done at any given moment.

In a nutshell, if you want your senses to sharpen use them. Also be present in the Now, in Awareness with them. When you walk into a room, be aware of the colours. Be aware of what the room makes you feel like. When you look at an object, check for detail. When one tries to verbalize what the senses are relaying, it automatically sharpens the senses as one gives meaning to them.

This will alert you to energies and vibrations in a room or around an object or in the inner spaces of another being’s heart. The senses is the first point of reference for the mind to work a way into a situation, work a way out of a situation or transform a situation.


Ghairo’s answer                 

The Violet Flame is a spiritual tool one is connected to, usually at a second level Reiki attunement. One is connected to this powerful tool via a Master. One can also be connected to it via Grace or a constant calling on the Flame with pure intention. This tool assists with the transmutation of psychic debris or the burning of unwanted karma, once the necessary spiritual work and preparation has been done. It will not respond, in my experience, when the necessary spiritual work has not been completed or the vibratory frequency of the person calling on the Flame is still ego-based. The Flame works well when it is channeled. 

The Flame, it is believed is connected to and protected by the Angels of the Violet Flame who works with it. It is also believed that the Flame sits at the centre of Planet Earth and can be called upon at any time when transmutation of misqualified energy is necessary. It is especially effective when called upon in a group. I perceive that the Flame vibrates with Amethysts, the colour Indigo and the Third Eye.  


Ghairo’s answer

Psychic debris is debris like any other debris except that one cannot see it. It surrounds objects, people, places, events, buildings – anything in the material realm. One picks up psychic debris on a daily basis. The mind can also manufacture psychic debris by its focus on “wanting” or emotions of low vibrational status like jealousy, greed, selfishness, resistance. Psychic debris must be cleared daily and in some cases, more than once a day. 
Psychic debris stick to things, people, places ie. it is sticky.

I would classify psychic debris as low level energy which moves in the direction of darkness and non-life as opposed to Light and Life. Psychic debris, when accumulated over long periods of time can become hardened thought-forms which are challenging to shift. Psychic debris can also be carried over from former lifetimes and it could be inherited genetically. It moves at atomic and sub-atomic levels. Often “warfares” between such debris and the Light can cause turmoil and illness.

Useful ways to clear psychic debris daily is to be in Nature, walk along the beach or in forests, mountains, meditate, do breathe work,  immersion prayer, swim in clean rivers,  or the sea, do cleansing fasts, eat only fresh fruit and vegetables, refrain from participation in mass activities and so on. Some spaces are high in psychic debris, like for example, nightclubs – where emotions build up, accumulate and stagnate. Such spaces should be avoided at all costs when on a spiritual path, unless one goes there with the intention of doing clearing work.

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