[copywrite Ghairo Daniels,Knysna, 2012]
How does one reach this state of consciousness, of knowingness that everything that exists is Love. Everything - from the most decadent pollutionary practice, most violent wars, most hardened criminals to the sublime states of aliveness of God’s most conscious sons and daughters who walked this Planet. From the deadliest virus to the youngest new shoot on the cactus on the sill, Love is all that there is. Everything in material form as well as in non-material form is Love. How does one reach this state of knowingness?
1. LIVING IN DETACHMENT : What’s this ?!
We live in detachment when we walk our path, do what is to be done, complete our daily tasks without any expectation or reward : without any fear or arrogance that we might fail or will succeed. We do it because it has to be done, in BEINGNESS. We complete tasks because it asks for completion. We extend ourselves because we feel we need to be extended. We serve others and the evolution of our own souls in doing the work. We expect nothing, we ask for nothing. We surrender the outcome to “ whatever will be, will be “.
In this state of willing nothingness a Divine Outcome is assured. It might not be what our ego wants or desires, but it certainly will be according to a Divine Plan for the greatest good of all concerned. All wants, desires, goals, needs are of the ego. When this ego is not in alignment with Divine Consciousness, what the outcome is, will not fulfill. So we work with devotion, even passion, total commitment – with a consciousness that we are not the task or the outcome.
I once witnessed a young Buddhist monk nearing the end of a three day task of making exquisite sand patterns on a large rectangle table. The completed artwork cannot be described and at the time, I had no Blackberry (!) to capture the image. He was using his fingers, his breath and a straw. An audience stood around admiring the work and he smiled back in admiration of his own masterpiece.
Then after wonder and awe-struck cheers, he unexpectedly took his fore-arm and wiped out three days artwork in one minute. Whoosh, whoosh. At the second whoosh, as our eyes opened wide, a little relative of his, about three years old, ran up to the table, stood in front of the chaotic coloured grains of sand and clapped, clapped and clapped. The monk smiled. What was the purpose of three days of back-breaking work ?
To experience the glee of a three year old : uninvited, totally spontaneous happiness : that something could so easily be wiped out and that a tiny being could express such a thrill of delight and pass this around. The lesson ? A thought to sleep on.
We work, exist, to learn lessons, increase consciousness, move towards BLISS. What the lesson is, we do not always know, neither is it necessary to know, at the point of doing. We do it with love, for Love, to extend our understanding of Love.
2. Love is all that there is when we know that : I AM NOT THIS BODY. I AM NOT THIS MIND. Related to Ego is the body we have constructed. Soul constructs a body according to lessons it has already learnt and lessons it needs to learn. Body then, is a temporary vehicle to hold an amount of Love and Light that we, as souls, accumulated over lifetimes. We use body-mind to grow Love in Soul. Soul cannot do this without material form. Yay, for material form !! I am glad I am in it.
The degree or quota of Divine Essence in each cell of our body including brain, is the degree of consciousness we live by. The body-mind then, is not “I”. The mind with the body is a tool, which needs to take instructions from Heart. Mind gives a plan according to conditions, circumstances, resources, situations, what is appropriate in the here and in the now. The greater the Love and Light within Mind, the greater is its capacity to interpret situations and complete tasks according to Divine Plan. The Mind is not the “I”.
3. Love is all that there is when we are able to REMAIN IN THE NOW : this moment, this instant in time and space. Mind, since it is a tool of Ego continuously wants to move, be elsewhere, escape, go back, go forward, analyze, construct ….This is because Ego often does not want to experience pain or pleasure. Sometimes it does not want to experience reward, success, divinity, etc. for a host of reasons (eg. wants to remain in victim mode, is resistant, needs to assert itself, needs attention, etc.)
When Ego does not have the capacity to hold a range of states, it wants to escape. The state could be physical pain, it could be hunger, it could be satiation, it could be grief, it could be any of four hundred odd feeling states a human could experience. The Ego devises all kinds of methods to escape, from finding scapegoats to manipulating information.
When one has knowledge that the purpose of Ego is to test Soul, to play ones own Soul’s devil’s advocate, one can stand still, sit still, be centered in the now and remain with the state, in the moment. We know then that the play, the movement of Ego-Mind is not the “I”. The “I” is the stillness from which all flows, infinite, timeless, all-knowing, abundant….. We attune then to the words “Love is all that there is…”

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